Голос 6 Tone 6
Апостол: Рим 15:1-7 Epistle: Rom 15:1-7
Євангеліє: Мт 9:27-35 Gospel: Mt 9:27-35
Сьома Неділя по ЗСД 7th Sunday After Pentecost

Нед/Sun July 31st 9:00 am/рано Pro Populo – За парохіян
10:30 am/рано +Orest Tarasiuk req by Michael & Verna Pistey
Пон/Mon Aug 1st 8:00 am/рано Health & God’s blessings upon Oleh, Volodya & Andriyko
req by Ihor and Oksana Lukiv
Вів/Tue Aug 2nd 8:00 am/рано +Orest Tarasiuk req by Pendakiwskyj Family
Сер/Wed Aug 3rd 8:00 am/рано +Orest Tarasiuk req by Marta Supple
Чет/Thur Aug 4th 8:30 am/рано +Maria & Vasyl req by Anna Marhita & Family
П’ят/Fri Aug 5th 6:30 pm/веч Liturgy of Anticipation /Blessing of fruits
+Maria, Anna & Mykola Tybel req by Maria Kosciolek
Суб/Sat Aug 6th Пeреображення Господа і Бога і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа - Благословення фруктів
Transfiguration of Our Lord - Blessing of fruits
9:00 am/рано Pro Populo – За парохіян
4:00 pm/веч +George & Mary Wanat req by Dc. John Wanat
(The 4pm Liturgy will be celebrated at the Club in Southport)
Нед/Sun Aug 7th 8th Sunday After Pentecost/
Восьма Неділя по ЗСД
9:00 am/рано Pro Populo – За парохіян
No second Liturgy today. Second Liturgy was transferred to Saturday.

Фінансовий звіт/ Financial report

Недільна Збірка/ Collection for Sunday July 24th, 2011 - Loose money $33, Неділя/Sunday $311, Подушки/Cushions $400, Вічна Лямпа/Vigil Lamp $10, Свічки/Candles $60.50, Разом/Total $814.50

Подяка/ Thank you – Щиру подяку приносимо родині Ковач що подарували $25 на церкву в пам'ять Ореста Тарасюка. Sincere thank you to Kovach Family for donating $25 in memory of +Orest Tarasiuk.

Пожертви на подушки/ Donations for cushions: $100 – Stefan & Anna Tarasiuk , Mykhaylo & Kateryna Tanchyn, Petro & Iryna Oliynyk, Andriy & Bohdanna Savchynskyy. May God the Lord bless you with choicest blessings. U p to date we have collected $3,790.

Ремонт/Renovation –Ремонт Церкви закінчений . Щиру подяку приносимо всім хто долучисвя до цього проєкту. Нехай Господь Бог благословить вас найщирішими ласками.

Є бажання поставити нові подушки у лавки. Ті старi були дуже брудні і вже розпадалися і ми їх викинули. Я вже цікавився і ціна включає: матеріал, шитя і посилку $8,500. Бажано б було щоб кожна родина подарувала $100 і кошти були б покриті. Після закінченя ремонту 2009 – 2011 будемо робити плакат де будуть записані імена жертводарців. Плакат буде поділений на три групи: спонсор $100 –250; жертводавець $255–1,000; фундатори більше як тисяча. Щиро дякую за вашу підтримку.

Renovation of the church is completed. We thank everyone who participated in this project. As you have noticed there are no cushions in the pews. They were dirty and falling apart and we disposed of them. I did make inquiries and I found one company that is willing to make them for us for $8,500. The price includes: 2 inches thick foam; cover material, sewing and shipping. This foam grade is firm high-density foam, called luxury foam. If every family would donate $100 we would cover the cost. After the completion of the Renovation Projects we will put up a plaque with names of people who participated in this project 2009 – 2011.The plaque will have three categories of donors: $100-250 sponsors; $255 – 1,000 contributors, and over $1,000 benefactors. Тhank you for your cooperation.

Річний Фестиваль/ Annual Picnic – Парохіяльний річний фестиваль відбудеться 28 серпня 2011 року, 5 Hattertown Road, Newtown CT. Просимо забрати конверти з стола з квитками на виграш.

Our Annual Parish Picnic will take place on August 28, 2011 at 5 Hattertown Road, Newtown CT. Please pick up your envelope with raffle tickets, which are located in the Church Hall.

Stamford Festival – The Connecticut State Ukrainian Day Festival will be held on Sunday, September 11th, 2011. The Festival will be held on the grounds of St. Basil’s Seminary, 161 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT. The day will begin with a Divine Liturgy at 11AM. Immediately following the Liturgy, Ukrainian food, picnic food and other refreshments will be available. In the afternoon, a lively and colorful program will take place of Ukrainian dances, songs and music, which will include dance groups from various areas of Connecticut and New York. Advance general admission tickets are $5 per person, 12 and over. Tickets purchased at the gate will be $10 per person. No food or liquor is to be brought onto the grounds of the festival; the Stamford police will confiscate liquor. Tours will be given at the unique Ukrainian museum on the grounds of St. Basil Seminary. We will need volunteers. If you would like to volunteer please see Lubomyr Czubatyj or Fr. Mihai.

Ukrainian Club – Next three Saturdays August 6th, 13th & 20th, 4 P.M. Vigil Divine Liturgy will be celebrated in the air conditioned Upper Hall of the Club followed immediately by a Bar-B-Q.  All are invited.  Because of this special event on next three Saturdays, only one liturgy will take place in our parish on Sundays August 7th, 14th, and 21st at 9 A.M.

Успінський Піст – Спасівка. Християни перших віків до великих празників приготовлялися постом і молитвою. З цієї практики розвинулися коротші чи довші пости. На першому місці стоїть Великий Піст перед світлим празником Господньої Пасхи. Перед празником Христового Різдва ввійшов у звичай піст Пилипівки. З особливого культу піст Петрівки. А вкінці, прийшов наймолодший з чотирьох різних постів, піст Успінський. Ним ми приготовляємо себе до найбільшого празника Пресвятої Богородиці, Її святого Успіння. І в той спосіб наслідуємо пости й молитви Пречистої Діви Марії, що ними Вона готувалася на стрічу Своєму Божому Синові у Своєму Успінні. Цей піст триває від 1 до 15 серпня.

The Fast of the Dormition – Spasivka . Christians of the first centuries prepared themselves for great feasts with fasting and prayer. Gradually, shorter or longer fasts developed from this sacred practice. The Great Fast before the glorious feast of the Pasch (Easter) occupies first place among the fasts. Soon before the feast of the Nativity (Christmas) , the fast of St. Philip came into practice. From a special cult in honor of SS. Peter and Paul, there arose a fast called Petrivka or Peter’s Fast. And finally, came the most recent of the four yearly fasts, the Fast of Dormition. With this fast we prepare ourselves for the greatest of all Marian feasts – the holy Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God. In this manner, we immitate the fastings and prayers of the Most Pure Virgin Mary by which she prepared herself for the encounter with her Divine Son in her holy Dormition. This fast starts on August 1 and ends on August 15.